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The People of Brighton – Short Film

By 22 December 2009 Inline, Video

This is a really well put together short from Sim Warren. It features a lot of the Inline Industry guys from the UK that are based down in Brighton, Including Loco Skates owner Jake Eley and Photographer Adam Kola. Definitely worth a watch.

The People I know in Brighton, play an important role in the Rollerblading scene within the UK. Everybody knows them for their contribution to Rollerblading however I wanted to share an insight into their lives besides Rollerblading, also showing how diverse Brighton can be.

This 4 minute piece filmed using a Canon 7D was shot 24p during the week on a typical day in their lives.
Canon 70-200mm Sigma 10mm Canon 18-55mm

1st: The XX – Intro
2nd: Beirut – Guyamas Sonora

Huge thanks to Andrew Pearce for lending me his lenses, helping through-out the day, being patient and giving me mad company. Love.


Author matt

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