We have just built an Apple Mac suite in the skatepark. The room contains 4 brand new 24″ iMacs and we will be running classes in this room to teach you how to make your own videos, photos and websites! Keep tuned for more information on these projects.
Rampworx is proud to announce the arrival of its Apple Mac suite. Opened on Friday 23rd April, the Mac suite is another exciting addition to our ever expanding extreme sports youth facility. As a children’s charity, Rampworx is always keen to increase the range of activities and projects that we offer to meet the needs of the young people we work with. Therefore, through our steering group we identified that young people at Rampworx wanted to use IT equipment for a wide range of projects that included movie making, fashion design, photo editing, mixing music and social networking.
Working in partnership with the Community Foundation for Merseyside and Liverpool ONE foundation, Rampworx managed to successfully gain funding to purchase 4 new iMacs and redevelop an old room into a Mac suite. The funding will also enable Rampworx to work in partnership with Hugh Baird and Apple to allow young people to attend workshops and to learn about the relevant Mac software, which would lead to greater transferable skills. Not only will this project be fun and interactive for a large number of young people, it will be educational and informative providing young people with transferable skills which will bolster their self esteem, allow them to strengthen and make new friends whilst acquiring relevant skills to make them more employable.
The Mac equipment will also be used during the 10 major national and international events Rampworx will host each year, allowing media representatives to upload the latest pictures, videos and reports to the website, forums and industry based websites giving up to date coverage.
“This is an excellent addition to the Rampworx facility and we are extremely grateful for the continued support and guidance that the Community Foundation gives us and we are eternally grateful.” Tony Berry – Community & Sports Development Manager.
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