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Monthly Archives

February 2011

DKH Legacy Trust visits Rampworx

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Monday and Tuesday of last week saw the ‘Get Set’ phase of our latest ‘Get on Track’ project in Salford get well and truly up and running.

After a successful first stage, the young people, now all comfortable with one another and showing increasing signs of confidence, had the challenge of planning, organising and running a day trip to Rampworx in Liverpool.

Despite sounding like a mere fun day out, a lot of effort and teamwork had to go into this. With only 90 minutes being given to the group to fully arrange this, initiative had to be taken and they divided themselves into smaller groups, so each aspect of the trip could be fully covered.

The day out itself ran smoothly. All involved, who were placed out of their ‘comfort zones’, faced the ramps head-on (literally, in some cases) and some tough characters really shone through, in a way that perhaps wasn’t best seen in the fire station.

Read the full article on the DKH Legacy Trust website here.

New Rampworx Stickers!!

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Rampworx Stickers

We have just had a new delivery of stickers land at the Rampworx Office. As well as our classic yellow stickers we are now offering our stickers in Neon Pink and Green as well as Red, Blue and White. Stickers are available from the skatepark for 50p!

Video: New Hip to Huge Wallride

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We have been building a new ramp in the skatepark over the last few weeks, a hip with a massive wallride.

What better way to test out your new ramp then invite some locals to come down for a closed door session. It just so happened that our locals for the day where Jason Phelan, Ben Lewis and Leon Perkins…not too shabby. Check the video.

Directed by Matty Lambert

Rampworx at Winterclash 2011

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Every year rollerblade legend Jojo Jacobi plays host to the biggest gathering of rollerbladers in Europe: Winterclash. Rampworx went over to Holland to document this infamous event. Time after time it exceeds expectations and despite incurring massive financial loss from last years event, this year was no exception.

This is Simon Mulvaney’s second film covering the event and aims to portray the powerful atmosphere felt by everyone present that day, along with the incredible rollerblading accomplished.

Music: ‘All of the Lights’ by Kanye West
Support him by visiting kanyewest.com