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Sam Tuffnell sets off speed camera on Inline Skates

By 5 May 2011 Inline, Video

Sam Tuffnell is a machine (T-1000). He has been killing it in the skating scene for a long time and has been competing at events in Rampworx for as long as we can remember, he won SlammJamm 11 and went on to compete in America as a result. He recently decided to see if it was possible to set off a speed camera by skating past it, very fast. Turns out it is possible.

Sam Tuffnell sets off speed camera on skates

Sam managed to reach over 40mph on his skates wearing a high visibility jacket allowing him to be detected by the camera.

Seems that a lot of people are not as impressed as we and the rest of the Extreme Sports community are about Sams super fast robot powers. Check out the Daily Mail Website to see what they think about Sam’s achievement.

Check out the video above of Sam dropping out of the rafters in to the street course at NASS 2008!


Author matt

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