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Monthly Archives

March 2012

Elyts Scooter Team at Rampworx Skatepark 2012

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The Elyts scooter team made a visit across the pond to come and check out Rampworx Skateparks infamous Scooter nights in Liverpool, UK.

Over 300 people showed up the event which saw Pro Scooter riders Zig Short (USA) and BenJ Friant (Switzerland) destroy the skatepark!

Zig Short with Scooter fans in Rampworx Skatepark Liverpool.

Keep an eye out for the new Elyts shoes available from Rampworx Shop this May. You can buy tickets for the next Scooter night at Rampworx by following this link here.

Elyts have also made the first ever Scooter Backpack that can actualy hold a scooter, how sick is that! Avaliable from Rampworx Shop.

Music: “Something Elated” by Broke For Free (http://brokeforfree.com/)

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Skateboard Photography Composition with Michael Burnett

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If you’re already talking like a pro skateboard photographer, check out In Focus — a handy series of shorts from the Ride Channel, showing you how to shoot like a pro too. In the weekly series’ first episode,Thrasher Magazine’s Michael Burnett lends a bit of wisdom as he goes over the basics of using clever composition to tell a sophisticated story, as well as glossing over some of the gear you may need. The hands on video gives some valuable insight while also showcasing on-site uses of the techniques laid out. Read More

Vital BMX Power Hour: Paul Ryan in Rampworx

By | BMX, Paul Ryan, Video | No Comments

Rampworx local and Mongoose BMX Pro Paul Ryan came into the park last week. Paul had the guys at Vital BMX with him to shoot a Power Hour video. As the title suggests, they have 1 hour to do as many ticks as humanely possible in one location.

“One of the UK’s most badass riders completely destroys Rampworx in Liverpool over the course of one hour. Hard 360s out of grinds, double tailwhips, handplants, huge truckdrivers, and much more!”

Credit: Chris Wilmshurst Read More

Rob and Big on street skating

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Ok, so anyone who has every been for a street session knows that security guards HATE skateboards, bladers and BMX riders. It’s always a race against time to get the clip/trick you want on the spot before you get moved on.

Well Pro skateboarder Rob Dyrdek had enough of Security guards stopping him skating, especialy when filming for his DC section, so he hired a security guard to deal with security. Meet Big Black.

Incase you missed it Rob and Big also had a MTV show documenting there adventures. Read More

Anton McGuirk joins Colony!

By | BMX, Video | No Comments

BIG congratulations to Rampworx local Anton McGurik who has just joined the Colony BMX team! Here is what Colony had to say:

“We have recently put on a team rider in the UK in the way of Anton McGuirk. He joins our team repping for us in the UK & we all could not be more stoked. After seeing Anton’s recent Power Hour on Vital, it was obvious he had skills & after a few emails back & forth, the deal was set. Stoked. Welcome to the team Anton !! Expect to see a welcome edit from Anton soon as well as a bike check with his new set up.”

You can check out Antons recent Power Hour video below…it’s insane! Read More