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OPM play The Picket and meet and greet fans at Rampworx!

By 2 August 2012 Event, Skateboard, Video

OPM Heaven is a Halfpipe

OPM, best known for their classic anthem ‘Heaven is a Halfpipe’, are a Southern California based ska punk band. The legendary band perform at the city’s finest music venue, The Picket, on Sunday 9th September and expect to hear their distinctive mash up of a sound with aspects of hip hop, rock music, and pop with laid-back reggae.

It’s no coincidence that their comeback to the UK coincides with our resurgence of the skating scene, and Liverpool is one of the most prevalent cities for this. Rampworx boasts the largest indoor skate park in the UK and they’ve partnered with Little Panther to present a meet and greet with OPM on Sunday 9th September 2012 around 1/2pm. Just bring along your gig ticket and meet the band, skate with them and hang out in the city’s hidden skate gem!

Tickets are available to buy online for £7 here!


Author matt

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