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Mark Webb – My Dream

By 5 October 2012 BMX, Riders, Sport, Video

Mark Webb is without a doubt one of the biggest names in BMX. The Southsea based Pro rider has an impressive list of sponsors including Total BMX, Vans and Relentless. Chances are you have already seen his riding, he is the face of a major advertising campaign for Relentless, which covered everything from TV screens to Cinemas and Bus Stops. Mark is constantly pushing the boundaries of BMX with his riding and is a regular on the global competition circuit.

Mark Webb

However recently Mark has taken a season out of competitive riding to focusing on returning to full health. Injuries and riding go hand and hand with each other, it is unavoidable. Mark has clocked up his fare share of injuries along the way, from a broken back to torn ligaments and shins that, well move! Webbie has put this video together to show you how he is preparing mentally and physical for the upcoming season. It is a must watch.

Mark Webb


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