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Monthly Archives

June 2013

Rampworx Cut & Sew Clothing

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The summer is finally here, so why not ditch your coats and maximise your wardrobe variety with the all NEW Rampworx premium cut and sew 2013 T-Shirts and Hoodie design? Now offering the best in both comfort and style. Specially cut to ensure it gives the upmost comfort when riding/skating. These Rampworx T-shirts are unlike any other of the previous T-shirts we have produced on nasty ‘Fruit of the Loom’
shirts, these are all cut from roles of premium cotton made with love and you in mind.

We have produced some awesome new designs which we know you will LOVE. Have you ever bought one of those awful T-shirts that shrink after the first few washes? Well, you will not find that with ours. All of our 2013 clothing line has been heat-treated, this means that you will NOT need to worry about the clothes shrinking after a couple of washes and that the T-shirt designs will not fade after being in the dryer. What more could you possibly want?

Why stop at the T-shirts? Don’t be caught out and protect your eyes from those blinding British UV Sun Rays with the NEW Rampworx Sunglasses. These glasses offer UV 400 protection and are designed around the super popular wayfarer shade design. The Rampworx wayfarer shades come in 3 different colours making it easier to match with your summer outfits not to mention are some of the best fitting Shades around as they have a reinforced hinge making them more durable and tighter to your head thus maximizing comfort ability to a whopping 10/10.

Merseyside’s own Ian Barrar spent the night with Marc Mulvaney at Gayton Skatepark just located outside of Heswall last night. Gayton Skatepark is a council skatepark which is the popular skatepark for BMX’s, Aggressive Skates, Skateboards and Stunt Scooters.

Mr Barrar is a new up and coming photography student with a lot of talent and passion about what he loves. He studies at The University of the Arts, London College studying fashion and photography. Be sure to see more of his outstanding work on his website http://cargocollective.com/ianbarrar. Ian was kind enough to shoot some photos of the latest Rampworx Clothing range. These photos feature a bunch of T-Shirts and shades produced and retailed exclusively by Rampworx.


Anthony Watkinson Stay Strong Street Edit

By | Anthony Watkinson, BMX, Video | No Comments

Anthony Watkinson has just released a new street edit and it’s pretty damn impressive. The Liverpool based Pro BMX rider has been killing it for years, he has traveled to more countries than most of us could name and won a fair few trophies along the way. This edit just proves that not only can Tony kill it in a skatepark but he is also one of the best street riders in the game.

“Here it is, Anthony’s new Stay Strong Part! Originally we started filming to make a winter video but the weather has been too bad to finish it fully until now so there is a mix of clips filmed in Liverpool from the times we were able to get out to film, hope you like it!”

Song: The Beatles – Love me do
Filmed & Edited by Dylan Coltman” Credit: Stay Strong / Dylan Coltman

High Ollie Contest at Go Skateboarding Day

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Last week as part of Go Skateboarding Day we let all skateboarders into our building for FREE!! Over 150 riders showed up to session the skate park and we hosted a few contests for all of the riders that made the trip to Liverpool.One of these contests was the infamous High Ollie contest, with the winner claiming No.1 spot at 5 ft!!
Filmed by Oliver Vanderwert.

Watch the Ground Control DVD Online!

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Over the last few weeks Simon Mulvaney the director of the Ground Control DVD has been drip feeding you guys sections every Friday. If you havent already got this epic DVD in you collection you are in for a treat. We have collected all of the sections and put them into one place for you. Get ready to watch some of bladings finest and watch the likes of Brain Aragon and Nils Janson kill it!!
Starring Brian Aragon, Joey Chase, Julian Bah, Chaz Sands, Damien Wilson, Gabriel Hyden, Alex Burston and Nils Jansons.

Also featuring Dre Powell, Stefan Horngacher, Sammy Chase, Yuri Botelho, Mathias Silhan, Lyle Shivak, KÃ¥re Lindberg, Marc Moreno, Dominik Wagner, Andrew Jaccuzi, Keaton Newsom, David Andrews, Derek Henderson, Chris Haffey, Michael Braud.

Camera Operators: Simon Mulvaney, Chaz Sands, Damien Wilson, Joey Chase, Max Manning, Phillip Long, Josh Glowicki, Gabriel Hyden, Rolsn Rollschauch, Martin Jansons, Marc Moreno, Brent Hicks, Sammy Chase, Pete Dearden, Dre Powell, Julian Bah, Stefan Horngacher.

Check out the Ground Control website http://gc-uprising.com

Reverb Girls Tour July 10th 2013

By | Event, News & Stuff | No Comments


The Rampworx Reverb tour makes a welcome return to Rampworx on July 10th between 6-10pm for its second year running. The tour, which covers several skateparks throughout the UK is all about getting girls involved in extreme sports by offering free sessions, taster sessions and coaching.

There will be a session and free coaching with equipment included so dont worry if you are a novice or a complete beginner! The staff at Rampworx will be able to help you find your feet!

There will be a host of free giveaways too from our sponsors too, so Im sure there will be something for everyone!

Unfortunately no men are allowed, unless accompanying a child who is taking part in the event.

Hope to see you there!

Kate Egan
Lady Rollers President Read More

NASS Festival 2013

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NASS is the UK’s biggest extreme sports festival with BMX, Aggressive Skates, Skateboards and FMX contest taking place throughout the weekend. They build a huge custom skatepark in a warehouse just for this weekend, designed to get the best out of these riders. Not only do they have some of the worlds best riders competing fot the No 1 spot, they have one of the best music line ups! Some huge names are playing at this years event, including Hip Hop Legend NAS!!! Make sure you mark the 11-13th July off in your calendars and get down to NASS! Read More

High Sheriffs Fund: FREE Group Sessions Fridays

By | Charity | No Comments

Rampworx Coaching

Starting on Friday July 5th and for the next 12 weeks Rampworx will be offering Sefton residents, schools, youth groups and clubs FREE coaching sessions between 7 and 10pm.

There is a choice between BMX and Scooter and all equipment is provided. Groups are limited to maximum of 10 young people at any one time, so you need to get your name down early to avoid disappointment.

In partnership with the High Sheriffs Fund and Community Foundation for Merseyside,  Rampworx will be working alongside Merseyside Police to alleviate anti-social behaviour in the Sefton area.

The programme will also incorporate a series of workshops and educational sessions which will be led by Merseyside Police to discuss issues, such as knife crime, gangs, personal safety, bullying and anti social behaviour. These workshops will educate and inform young people about positive alternatives to antisocial behaviour.

For more information, or to make a booking please contact Tony Berry ont.berry@rampworx.com or call him on 0151 638 9000. 

  Read More

Summer Pass 2013 £99

By | BMX, Event, Inline, Offer, Scooter, Skateboard | No Comments

Summer Pass 2013

Looking for something to do during the Summer Holidays? Well look no further, the Rampworx Summer Pass is back!! We have had a price freeze on the pass for the 4th year running, for just £99 you can ride all day every day during the Summer Holidays. From the moment our doors open until they close, you can be riding every single day! Not only are we giving you the chance to have super cheap skatepark entry, but we are giving you a FREE Rampworx Wallet to keep your Summer Pass safe and a pair of Rampworx Sunglasses to keep that summer sun out your eyes 😉

You can purchase your Summer Pass at reception, or buy one online here!

Go Skateboarding Day – Skate for FREE June 21st

By | Event, Skateboard | No Comments


Next Friday is World Go Skateboarding Day. Every year on June 21st, skateboarders around the globe celebrate the pure exhilaration, creativity, and spirit of one of the most influential activities in the world by blowing off all other obligations to go skateboarding.

This is great news for skateboarders as you can ride Rampworx for FREE for the whole evening between 4 and 10pm. No gimmicks, no ties… just a celebration of Skateboarding at Rampworx! 

We hope to see you there!

2 hour FREE coaching at Rampworx Skatepark

By | Charity, Offer | No Comments


Last night we welcomed another great group for our fantastic 2 hour FREE session offer. Ykids is a Bootle based group who work towards the transformation of the lives of children and young people living in deprivation, poverty and hopelessness; bringing hope, self-esteem, positive life choices and chances, so that they can lead happy and fulfilled lives, and bring about regeneration in their communities.
They had a great time and we hope to see them again soon!! Free 2 hour Coaching sessions are still available for your team, group, or club. Contact Tony Berry on 0151 638 9000 for more info! Read More