Over the last few weeks Simon Mulvaney the director of the Ground Control DVD has been drip feeding you guys sections every Friday. If you havent already got this epic DVD in you collection you are in for a treat. We have collected all of the sections and put them into one place for you. Get ready to watch some of bladings finest and watch the likes of Brain Aragon and Nils Janson kill it!!
Starring Brian Aragon, Joey Chase, Julian Bah, Chaz Sands, Damien Wilson, Gabriel Hyden, Alex Burston and Nils Jansons.
Also featuring Dre Powell, Stefan Horngacher, Sammy Chase, Yuri Botelho, Mathias Silhan, Lyle Shivak, Kåre Lindberg, Marc Moreno, Dominik Wagner, Andrew Jaccuzi, Keaton Newsom, David Andrews, Derek Henderson, Chris Haffey, Michael Braud.
Camera Operators: Simon Mulvaney, Chaz Sands, Damien Wilson, Joey Chase, Max Manning, Phillip Long, Josh Glowicki, Gabriel Hyden, Rolsn Rollschauch, Martin Jansons, Marc Moreno, Brent Hicks, Sammy Chase, Pete Dearden, Dre Powell, Julian Bah, Stefan Horngacher.
Check out the Ground Control website http://gc-uprising.com