The Rampworx Coaching Academy takes place on the following days.
Inline Skate Coaching / Tuesday – 5pm till 7pm.
Scooter & BMX Coaching / Wednesday – 5pm till 7pm.
Funded by Sport England, the academy is designed to offer a safe structured environment to allow children and young people the opportunity to learn how to ride a Scooter, BMX, Skateboard and Inline skates all under the guidance of our qualified coaching staff.
The session costs just £7 per person and all equipment; including safety gear is provided.
In addition, Rampworx also aims to develop young peoples abilities away from the skatepark by introducing them to experiences that will shape their development into young adults and give them life skills that they will use for the rest of their lives.
Please note: The Wednesday evening coaching sessions will take place in term time only. During Sefton half term, the sessions will change to Wednesdays between 10 and 12PM.
For more information please call 0151 530 1500 after 4PM (Tuesday – Friday), or email