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Monthly Archives

May 2012

Rampworx 6 Week Summer Pass £99

By | BMX, Event, Inline, Skateboard | No Comments

Rampworx will once again be offering a Summer Pass between 23rd July and 2nd September 2012!!

The  6 Week Summer Pass is available for £99 with a huge saving of £444!! This pass will allow you unlimited entry to the skatepark ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!!!

As we all know the Summers in England are not the best. So to be sure that you and your friends can session regardless of the weather make sure you pick your pass up from reception at the skatepark today!

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BMX, Inline and Skateboard only! Read More


By | Inline, Video | No Comments

It’s that time of year once again to drop the LOOKBACK edit from SJ13 and start the journey SJ14. I’d just like to say once again a massive THANKYOU to all those individuals, brands, sponsors, and media who were involved in SLAMMJAMM 13 last year. This year’s SLAMMJAMM is looking to be another massive commUNITY gathering, already we have had 2 NEWBLOOD qualifiers for the 15yrs and Under bladers within the nation four with more qualifiers to come. Also there will be some major news and developments concerning the nationfour OPEN contest and we are about to launch the first of our VISUAL competitions. For all the news and developments stay locked to slammjamm.com over the coming months or pick up a flyer from your local skatepark, outlet or shop.

If your the owner of a skatepark, outlet or shop and you would like to support or sponsor SLAMMJAMM please don’t hesitate to contact us via email info@slammjamm.com.



Filmed & Edited By Brett Davies : vimeo.com/user906603
Contribution footage: Jordan Maders jordanmaders.net
Contribution footage: Graham Bewdley 3rider.tv
Motion Graphics By : Tim Darker : vimeo.com/user797597

Music : Baths “Lovely Bloodflow”

Harry Main joins SNAFU Pro Team

By | BMX, Harry Main | No Comments

Local BMX Pro rider Harry Main has just been added to the SNAFU team! Check out the press release below.

“We are stoked to announce that Harry Main has joined the SNAFU Pro team.  Harry is one of hell of a talented rider and brings a lot of energy and great ideas to the program. We feel he is the perfect fit for the new direction we are going with SNAFU.”

Here is what Harry has to say about joining SNAFU….  Read More

Stay Strong win Ride to Glory 2012!

By | Anthony Watkinson, BMX | No Comments

Rampworx local and DK bikes pro Anthony Watkinson flew back from his little adventure in the USA to take part in this years Ride to Glory. Watkinson was riding for the Stephen Murray foundation also known as team Stay Strong which consisted of a hand picked selection of Pros including Ben Wallace, Matt Priest, Jordan Aleppo and Brandon Kitson.

From the beginning starting in Terminal 1 in Melton Mowbray – this years 6 teams dodged rain, ate jars of pickled eggs, got spray tans, destroyed the flat bars and ticked off a load more to try and claim the 2012 Ride To Glory title! The 6 teams finally ended up at the at The Source in Hastings for the final stop, where we counted up the points and crowned the 2012 Maoam Ride To Glory champions, team Stay Strong.

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Phoenix Scooter Session, this Saturday!

By | Scooter | No Comments

Rampworx has teamed up with Phoenix Scooters to bring you the first ever Scooter Saturday at Rampworx Skatepark! We have never had a Scooter session on a Saturday before, but with the Phoenix team flying in from the USA to come shred the skatepark it was a no brainer. They will also be on the look out for a new Team rider at this event, so if your interested in getting sponsored this is a must go to event! Team Phoenix will also be showcasing all of their new products for you guys.

Please note that Saturday will be a Scooter only session and no other sports will be allowed in.

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Rampworx Skatepark Etiquette – How to use a skatepark

By | Video | No Comments

Rampworx Skatepark in Liverpool, England is the biggest skatepark in the UK, with over 1000 visitors using the skatepark every week!

Skateparks have unwritten rules of use and respect between riders. If you are visiting the skatepark for the first time it can be intimidating with riders flying around everywhere.

Rampworx have made this park etiquette video to teach new skatepark users how to use a skatepark properly. Read More