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Monthly Archives

April 2013

Win a Private Session at the park with the Stay Strong Team!!

By | BMX, Competition, Event | No Comments


It’s that time of the year again, Ride To Glory is back, and we have a special surprise for you guys with last years winning team, Stay Strong! We are giving 10 lucky people the chance to ride Rampworx for a closed session with the Stay Strong team this Sunday!! Each lucky winner will be able to bring one friend along with them to ride the park. For your chance to ride in a private session in the UK’s biggest skatepark with Anthony Watkinson, Ben Wallace, Bob Manchester, Jordan Aleppo and Dan Bob all you have to do is “like and share” this post on Facebook, simple as 1,2,3. What are you waiting for? Get sharing!

We will announce the winners at 5pm on Friday 3rd May!! Read More

Liam Vance 2013 Colony Edit

By | BMX, Riders, Video | No Comments

Liam Vance is one of the young talents coming out of Rampworx Skatepark, he has been shredding the park on his BMX for as long as we can remember. With a trick vocabulary far beyond his years he is definitely one of the names to keep an eye out for over the coming years. Sponsored by Colony BMX Liam has just released a brand new edit which shows Liam tearing up the streets of Liverpool.

Song: Lee Fields – Faithful man
Filmed & Edited by Dylan Coltman
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Scooter Swap: Trade in your Scooter and get money off a BMX!

By | BMX, Scooter | No Comments

Rampworx Scooter Swap

Do you have an old scooter that your no longer use? is broken? or your just fed up with? Well, we are here to help you! Just bring your old scooter to any of our Rampworx Shops (Liverpool, Hoylake, Wallasey, Kent) and we will give you a minimum of £50 towards a brand new BMX! You could even get as much as £100 towards a new BMX when you trade in your old scooter. It doesn’t matter if your scooter has one wheel, no wheels, is snapped in half, or rusted to death, we will take it!

This is a great chance for all the Scooter riders out there that have wanted to get a BMX but have been put off by the price tag. Take advantage of the Rampworx Scooter Swap whilst stock lasts. We have a wide range of Complete BMX’s for sale from the industries leading brands like Subrosa, Kink, Fit, Mongoose, United  and Failure. Have a look around and pick out your new ride, we are also giving out FREE sessions to ride the skatepark with every BMX purchased. What are you waiting for? Look at our Complete BMX’s here. Read More

Rampworx Inline Only Night April 15th 2013

By | Inline, Roller Derby, Video | No Comments

Rampworx in Liverpool hosted another Inline Only Night for all of our local bladers. People traveled from as far as Newcastle to come and session the skatepark with no other sports in the building. As always a great session was had by everyone in the building, with an amazing atmosphere keeping the session going until 10pm at night! We even had the local Roller Derby team Wirral Whipiteres show up to test out the ramps. Make sure you keep your eyes peeled for the next event on our website or facebook page http://facebook.com/rampworxskatepark

Filmed and Edited by Molly Edwards. Read More

Rudimental Music Video shows love to BMX

By | BMX, Video | No Comments

The official video for ‘Waiting All Night’ is the inspirational true life-story of San Francisco born BMX champion and actor – Kurt Yaeger, who became an amputee after an accident in 2006.
All the characters in the clip are pro bmx’ers and the real friends of Kurt.

Waiting All Night feat Ella Eyre is out now: http://smarturl.it/WANep

For more information on Kurt and to ask him any questions on his experiences and the world of BMX, you can contact him here:

Aaron Nardi: https://twitter.com/aaronnardi &http://www.youtube.com/user/aaronnardi
Jush Allen: https://twitter.com/jushallen
Huy Doan: https://twitter.com/huydoan
Ryan Metro: https://twitter.com/Ryan_Metr0
Jimmy Levan: http://www.metalbikesbmx.com/metal_ji…
Danny Downey: https://www.facebook.com/danny.downey.7
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By | General, Press, Video | No Comments


We are proud to announce we are now officially endorsing local 3-piece electro pop group, Triphazard, and supporting them on their UK tour. We believe strongly in working closely with emerging, grassroots talent – particularly on a local level – to achieve their goals and make the best impact in their industry. Rampworx followers will be given the chance to enter competitions, receive exclusive updates on new tours and have access to new music and backstage material directly from the band in the very near future.

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