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Monthly Archives

December 2013

Video: Dan Lacey Nature of the Beast x Monster

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Dan Lacey is without a doubt one of the best BMX talents in the sport and this edit from Monster Energy proves just that! Monster sent Federal Bikes Pro and filmer Rich Forne to the Streets of Tel Aviv to document the BMX Pro doing what he does best, riding!

Dan Lacey Nature of the beast

Now Dan Lacey is that type of rider that looks at some of the craziest drops and ledges and just goes for it. He has an unreal talent for shutting down spots in one trick, this guy is a beast. Click play and send this video to your friends to show them what BMX is all about. Dan Lacey is #NatureOfTheBeast.


Go and like Dan Laceys Facebook page and follow him on Twitter to keep upto date with his adventures.

Dan Lacey Nature of the Beast BMX

Video: Ground Control Bails Section

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Unfortunately learning to fall is part of doing an Action Sport. You are going to fall, and surprisingly it gets a little easier to handle the more you do it. Learning to fall and roll away safely or with minimal injuries is a technique we all perfect. Pick a shoulder and learn to roll!! However no matter how good you are, sometimes your tricks don’t go according to plan and you have a bail! It’s tradition in most skate/BMX DVD’s to have a bails section to show everyone the hard work that went into getting the clips from your favourite section.

Alex Burston Bail

Rollerbladers tend to have some of the worst bails due to being strapped into skates, they have to land with their equipment on, they can’t throw it away and it can result in some pretty nasty bails.


Everyone knew that the latest Ground Control DVD was going to be epic and with an epic DVD comes an epic bails section. Some of these guys take some serious bails. Check out the bails section from the Ground Control DVD above.

Edited by Simon Mulvaney.

Registration for Laced 2014 is OPEN!

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Laced will be taking place at Rampworx Skatepark for the 3rd year running. This is the biggest blading contest in the UK with a Pro, Am and Girl contest. Last year we had over 120 riders compete from 13 different countries.

If you wish to register for Laced you must pre register for the event online here! It is not possible to register for the event on the day of the contest.