We will once again be hosting a Christmas Party with the MGP Team at Ramwporx. The event will take place on Sunday 16th December 12-4pm and is a Ticket only event, Free session vouchers do not apply for this event. Everyone that attends the event will get a FREE MGP goodie bag upon arrival to the event.  Places for the event are very limited. Check out the video from last years event here.
**Please note that the skatepark will be closed for normal ride time on Sunday 16th December.**
Tom Uni & James Heyes are two of our local BMX riders with plenty of tricks up their sleeves. We caught up with these two to bring you double the talent in one video. Check it out.
Song: Mumford & Sons – The Cave
Filmed and Edited by Dylan Coltman
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Franny Wright is a local BMX rider that has an insane trick vocabulary! Vital BMX caught up with Mr Wright to film one of their infamous Power Hour videos, as the title would suggest the rider has one hour to bust out as many tricks as possible. Franny’s venue of choice for this task was of course Rampworx, and he does not disappoint. This guy is a machine, if you watch one video today then make sure it’s this one.
Filmes and edited by Chris Wilmshurst.
Local BMX Pro Harry Main has just released another How To video. If you have ever wanted to learn from one of the best in the industry, this video is for you. This time the scouse powerhouse teaches you how to land a No Hander. Harry gives you a step by step guide on How To land this trick, and then tells you how to add to it so you can progress even further into 360 No Handers.
Make sure you follow Harry on Twitter and Facebook. Filmed and edited by Matty Lambert. Read More
SEBA has been producing high quality skates for the Free Skate and recreational market for many years, and they have now branched out into the Aggressive Skate/Blading market. We have seen the skates and they look amazing, with the strength and quality of a normal SEBA skate but with the ability to grind, we are sure you are going to love them. Not only do they have an amazing product, but they have singed up the worlds No 1 Pro Blader CJ Wellsmore from Australia, who also won the Chaz Sands Invitational at our skatepark back in 2010. Check out what SEBA had to say about their recent adventure to the USA.
After few days in Paris and few days in Moscow, here we go to NYC ! (CJ Wellsmore, Miriam & myself (Anthony Finocchiaro )
We went there for 3 reasons, the first one was the New York Battle (B.Oneil invitational), the second was to make some pictures in this awesome city and the third one was to test the latest prototypes of CJ promodel street skates. It was a long time since I came here, and I was still amazed by the city which never sleeps. CJ is not a “Broadway movie star”, but as soon as we started walking in the main streets, we were approached by a guy “Hey ! CJ Wellsmore !!??” and this happened few times during our trip ! Weird ! Read More
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